Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fixing AutoLinkification Bug in TB

Building thunderbird was a very good experience for me as well as my colleagues :).
First of all, It was built last week but after many failed attempts
that was caused by some missing dependencies such as: libiw-dev and mesa-common-dev that for some unknown reason to me aren't included in the building dependencies for Ubuntu.

Afterwards, I have started working to fix the very famous bug that I think is made for educational purposes :). First of all, I followed the steps described here.

In the beginning, the bug was reproduced successfully. Then,
MXR is used to find the bug location that exists in the mailto
module (here).

Finally, I had the bug fixed and the patch tested by JST Review, submitted and waiting for the review.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finally, Bespin is up !!

Hello everybody,

Today, since a long time (my bachelor project :)) I have managed to run something using tools that I am not expert with.
First of all, I started working with processingjs and javascript. Processingjs is an amazing animation language built with javascript that manage to visualize animations easily and from the client side. Moreover, I complete installing Bespin locally which I try to do on last Friday using the Bespin Developer's Guide. The command "paver dojo create_db" causes an error that I couldn't determine its source easily so I left it. Today, I tried to install Bespin again but using another resource Bespin User's Guide where the only difference was in the faulty command :) as it lacks dojo and It works.

Monday, October 19, 2009

My Ubiquity First Command

Hello again,

I am sure that you missed me :). I have to publish this post before today's midnight, However I haven't slept since yesterday so please accept my apologies for any language or logical mistakes :). I have made my Ubiquity first command which I am really not satisfied with now but I will improve it as soon as possible. The command will just direct the user to the upload portal in our Open Source Development Course Wiki. The command is implemented in a stupid way (just redirect to the url).

However, I am really happy after implementing my command and wish to enhance it to be much usable.

Open Source Development First Experience

Hello all,

Last week was my first experience with Open Source Development. It was exploring Ubiquity which is a great add-on for Firefox. It allows users to perform simple commands and great mashups very fast and easy. We had to implement a feedback command that will be given a command and feedback while it should send an email to the command's author with the feedback. First of all, I had in mind two directions of performing this command: either to search for the command author online and get his e-mail and the other was to search for a command object that could represent a command and then access its attributes to get the author's e-mail. I searched a lot for the Ubiquity documentation until I found a command called getCommandByName (commandname) that takes command name as a string and returns back a command object. Afterwards, trying to use the command was a pain as I found out last that this function is included in Ubiquity 0.5.5. And the one on Mozilla web page was Ubiquity 0.5.4.

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to complete the command. However, I get really excited into Open Source development where many people can use my solutions and learned the way of thinking for Open Source Development.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hello World !!!

Hello everyone,

This is my first experience in blogging in my life. To be more
accurate, I were pushed to blogging :) as this blog is a requirement
of a course that I take in the university ("Open Source Software Engineering").

However, I am really happy because I wanted to make a blog
before but I am not active enough :) .

Although this blog is meant to discuss technical material, It could
include other non-technical topics (like: football :)).

Finally, I really hope that all the posts on this blog will be
meaningful and that all of the blog followers enjoy it.